Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chillin like a villian

Hey folks,
So today went by fast was kinda suprised most days the day drags on and on not today. Hung out with a good friend of mine for a while maybe that's what it was. Ran around with the boys for while. Aj always finds a way to make me laugh these days. Besides the fact that he is so adorable, the boy has finally hit a growth spurt. He has figured out how to open the doors, i didn't think that he was getting to be that tall yet but boy i was wrong. So today i was ruff housing with cayden and it was kinda quiet and aj was nowhere to be found. I asked cayden "where is your brother?" and he told me "he's in the room". only thing was I didn't hear anything coming from the room. So i decided to go check up on him and i poked my head in the open door and looked Aj....poked my head into my Aj....stuck my head back in the boy's room and said "AJ...where are you?" and i got nothing but silence. I noticed that the closet door was mostly shut all but a little opening near the back wall. So i opened the closet a little and looked in and there was AJ sitting in the darkest part of the closet playing with toys all by was the cutest thing cuz i've never seen him just go off and play by himself. Cayden is always taking toys away from him and making him cry by being a bully and then some. I think he noticed that Cayden was busy doing other things and took the advantage and went off to play. He is such a cutie. I love him so much. he's normally my little puppy dog, everywhere that i am. but i think he's finally coming out of his shell a little and finally playing a bit more. So am thinking of maybe going to Seaworld tomorrow, but we will see how things go. Cayden is FINALLY starting to get the idea of using the potty. had to break down and tell him he could have a suprise only and if he used the potty. I really think he is starting to catch on. YAY. So no accidents today I was so proud of him..he came and told me after everytime and i gave him huge hugs and so many kisses till he told me to stop lol. well I'm thinking about watching me a movie and relaxing. AM still hoping and praying that I hear something about this job at Rite Aid on mon or even Tues...mean wed would be good to because that would be the best birthday present to me :-) Well nite all will write again soon.

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