Friday, October 15, 2010

Been a while

ll it's been a while since I last wrote on here so I figured that it is time for an update. :) In a few days it will be Cayden's 4th bday. crazy that he is 4 already, time sure does go by fast. We are finally getting out of the small apartment living and moving into a house. Not to rent but to buy. :) super happy dance. We have been going through pretty much hell the last week or so with the =]' lkm\complex the cops and cps. yup i said it cps all bc the boys decided to pop the screen out of the bedroom window and throw toys out it. mean really. yeah that's the result of too nosy ppl. whatever we are leaving so i could really care less. Aj has just spilled whatever was left of a rootbeer float on my keys and they are now sticky but apparently the computer still works for now. anywho, so that's about it packing and cleaning, well trying to anyway I get so distracted with packing and then i have to handle the kids. cayden would rather watch cartoons more then anything, but aj likes to get into things ever since he was able to move the chair around and climb on it. as i type this he is scooting the chair across the floor. he is a smart little boy that's for sure. well i guess I'd better find the will to do some laundry. I'd rather have all clean clothes when we move into the house then a butt ton of dirty stuff. Until then. stay cool my readers.

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