Saturday, June 26, 2010

Awww relaxation

Hey all, I know it's been a few days since I last wrote to say what's going on. well to tell you the truth I sleep a lot during the day. Only because Cayden has recently turned back into an laugh but it's true. He goes to sleep at 10pm although i try for 8:30pm but he fights it for almost two hours. Then when 3:30am rolls aorund he is awake like it's the morning time, and wont go back to sleep until 6 or so. It's frusterating because when am I supposed to sleep? The kid is wired all the time. I just don't have the energy to keep up with him. Anyway Weds the 23rd was my 23rd bday yay me. Was kinda boring, went bought my beautiful Hookha and then drove to Dave and buster's had dinner..alone mind you and then played games...once again alone for 2 hours or so. But it was really nice to have some me time away from the boys. Babysitters are the best :). The next day went to ralphs and asked for some empty boxes to help start the packing/getting rid of stage. fun fun. was only able to fit about 3 banana boxes in my car. I have so much crap in there..joys of having kids hehe. But today was pretty amazing. went down to seaport village with a good friend of mine and there were all these vendors out and what not. We walked around and saw most of them while we waited to have our names drawn it's pretty awesome pic by the way. Went and got it framed later during the day. and I got to have a parrot on my shoulder for a little bit it was awesome, kinda tickled. then went off to Outback for some dinner. Couldn't believe my friend had never been to one so i suggested that we go try it out. yum yum yum that's for sure. Drove by the potential new place later on. i've never seen the place at night time or the surrounding area so i figured it would be a good time to check it out. The street/culdasac is really crowed and narrow and there are a lot of carson it but for the most part it was still really quiet out. Which made me glad. after all that I came back home to the crazy kids and it was off to bed time for them. now i'm relaxing feet up and all just doing some research for a possible surgical procedure that I'm considering having done. Just trying to figure out if Tricare is going to be able to pay for it. I guess I wont know until the prior authorization thing goes through when I have my consultation. I'm not going to lie im going to be hella nervous and scarred all in one but I figure that it will help me to get healthy again and that is the only thing that I really care about. Mean looking better is always a plus. Being pregnant was great and all and i love being a mommy but the fact as to what happened to my body afterwards SUCKS. streched skin so far that it's not going to go back, stretch marks up the wazoo, weight gain that doesn't seem to want to come off to save my life, back pains due to extra skin, and not to mention horrible knee problems. So for all the ppl that I told I didn't want anything for my bday... What I really wanted was to have an abdomnioplasty done and start to look like my old self again minus stretchy skin. So am looking into that. well off to chill I'll be back soon.

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