Thursday, June 17, 2010

another day

Here it is 6:24pm in our house hold and the sounds of cayden and aj can be heard in their bedroom playing, along with the stuff in the dryer. Am just waiting for the stuff in the dryer to finish so we can get ready to head off to the gym. Well for all of you out there who know I'm still looking for work, and how I had my hopes up on a job a friend of mine was helping me on getting.Well folks it looks like once again my resume got pushed to the bottom of the pile. Sucks because I was hoping for my birthday was a job and at this moment seems highly unlikely. Kinda sad how you go to school to get certified in a certain area, actually get job experience, but when you take time moff to oh let's say, have a baby, and then try to go back into the work force ppl look at you and laugh. They want you to have current up to date knowlege. Oh well Am hoping for good things to come from the job I've applied for at Rite Aid in Hillcrest.

It's really kinda of quiet over here, besides the random car alarms going off and the fire trucks sirens screaming as they drive by at all hours of the day/night. Next month I'm going to go fill out an application for a new place to live, that's in a WAYYY smaller complex 6 units to be exact and it's a bigger place and well the best part it's $200 Cheaper. so got my fingers crossed on this one.

As a good portion of you know my hubby and I well, I think we've hit the bottom of our marriage, hints the moving thing. He's done somethings in our marriage that he's not proud of and I've done the same. Guess we are all tired of fighting and arguing that we figure that we will be better apart. It's hard to think of since well we've been together for 3 years but only married for 2. I hope that maybe one day the boys will understand. as for now Al is off on his ship for the next two months so i get the joy of yelling at the kids. I'm actually as bad as this sounds kinda of glad that Al leaves on the ship for a while. Well folks looks like the kids are starting to beat on each other so i must be off for now.Tootles

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