Saturday, June 26, 2010

Awww relaxation

Hey all, I know it's been a few days since I last wrote to say what's going on. well to tell you the truth I sleep a lot during the day. Only because Cayden has recently turned back into an laugh but it's true. He goes to sleep at 10pm although i try for 8:30pm but he fights it for almost two hours. Then when 3:30am rolls aorund he is awake like it's the morning time, and wont go back to sleep until 6 or so. It's frusterating because when am I supposed to sleep? The kid is wired all the time. I just don't have the energy to keep up with him. Anyway Weds the 23rd was my 23rd bday yay me. Was kinda boring, went bought my beautiful Hookha and then drove to Dave and buster's had dinner..alone mind you and then played games...once again alone for 2 hours or so. But it was really nice to have some me time away from the boys. Babysitters are the best :). The next day went to ralphs and asked for some empty boxes to help start the packing/getting rid of stage. fun fun. was only able to fit about 3 banana boxes in my car. I have so much crap in there..joys of having kids hehe. But today was pretty amazing. went down to seaport village with a good friend of mine and there were all these vendors out and what not. We walked around and saw most of them while we waited to have our names drawn it's pretty awesome pic by the way. Went and got it framed later during the day. and I got to have a parrot on my shoulder for a little bit it was awesome, kinda tickled. then went off to Outback for some dinner. Couldn't believe my friend had never been to one so i suggested that we go try it out. yum yum yum that's for sure. Drove by the potential new place later on. i've never seen the place at night time or the surrounding area so i figured it would be a good time to check it out. The street/culdasac is really crowed and narrow and there are a lot of carson it but for the most part it was still really quiet out. Which made me glad. after all that I came back home to the crazy kids and it was off to bed time for them. now i'm relaxing feet up and all just doing some research for a possible surgical procedure that I'm considering having done. Just trying to figure out if Tricare is going to be able to pay for it. I guess I wont know until the prior authorization thing goes through when I have my consultation. I'm not going to lie im going to be hella nervous and scarred all in one but I figure that it will help me to get healthy again and that is the only thing that I really care about. Mean looking better is always a plus. Being pregnant was great and all and i love being a mommy but the fact as to what happened to my body afterwards SUCKS. streched skin so far that it's not going to go back, stretch marks up the wazoo, weight gain that doesn't seem to want to come off to save my life, back pains due to extra skin, and not to mention horrible knee problems. So for all the ppl that I told I didn't want anything for my bday... What I really wanted was to have an abdomnioplasty done and start to look like my old self again minus stretchy skin. So am looking into that. well off to chill I'll be back soon.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chillin like a villian

Hey folks,
So today went by fast was kinda suprised most days the day drags on and on not today. Hung out with a good friend of mine for a while maybe that's what it was. Ran around with the boys for while. Aj always finds a way to make me laugh these days. Besides the fact that he is so adorable, the boy has finally hit a growth spurt. He has figured out how to open the doors, i didn't think that he was getting to be that tall yet but boy i was wrong. So today i was ruff housing with cayden and it was kinda quiet and aj was nowhere to be found. I asked cayden "where is your brother?" and he told me "he's in the room". only thing was I didn't hear anything coming from the room. So i decided to go check up on him and i poked my head in the open door and looked Aj....poked my head into my Aj....stuck my head back in the boy's room and said "AJ...where are you?" and i got nothing but silence. I noticed that the closet door was mostly shut all but a little opening near the back wall. So i opened the closet a little and looked in and there was AJ sitting in the darkest part of the closet playing with toys all by was the cutest thing cuz i've never seen him just go off and play by himself. Cayden is always taking toys away from him and making him cry by being a bully and then some. I think he noticed that Cayden was busy doing other things and took the advantage and went off to play. He is such a cutie. I love him so much. he's normally my little puppy dog, everywhere that i am. but i think he's finally coming out of his shell a little and finally playing a bit more. So am thinking of maybe going to Seaworld tomorrow, but we will see how things go. Cayden is FINALLY starting to get the idea of using the potty. had to break down and tell him he could have a suprise only and if he used the potty. I really think he is starting to catch on. YAY. So no accidents today I was so proud of him..he came and told me after everytime and i gave him huge hugs and so many kisses till he told me to stop lol. well I'm thinking about watching me a movie and relaxing. AM still hoping and praying that I hear something about this job at Rite Aid on mon or even Tues...mean wed would be good to because that would be the best birthday present to me :-) Well nite all will write again soon.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

another day

Here it is 6:24pm in our house hold and the sounds of cayden and aj can be heard in their bedroom playing, along with the stuff in the dryer. Am just waiting for the stuff in the dryer to finish so we can get ready to head off to the gym. Well for all of you out there who know I'm still looking for work, and how I had my hopes up on a job a friend of mine was helping me on getting.Well folks it looks like once again my resume got pushed to the bottom of the pile. Sucks because I was hoping for my birthday was a job and at this moment seems highly unlikely. Kinda sad how you go to school to get certified in a certain area, actually get job experience, but when you take time moff to oh let's say, have a baby, and then try to go back into the work force ppl look at you and laugh. They want you to have current up to date knowlege. Oh well Am hoping for good things to come from the job I've applied for at Rite Aid in Hillcrest.

It's really kinda of quiet over here, besides the random car alarms going off and the fire trucks sirens screaming as they drive by at all hours of the day/night. Next month I'm going to go fill out an application for a new place to live, that's in a WAYYY smaller complex 6 units to be exact and it's a bigger place and well the best part it's $200 Cheaper. so got my fingers crossed on this one.

As a good portion of you know my hubby and I well, I think we've hit the bottom of our marriage, hints the moving thing. He's done somethings in our marriage that he's not proud of and I've done the same. Guess we are all tired of fighting and arguing that we figure that we will be better apart. It's hard to think of since well we've been together for 3 years but only married for 2. I hope that maybe one day the boys will understand. as for now Al is off on his ship for the next two months so i get the joy of yelling at the kids. I'm actually as bad as this sounds kinda of glad that Al leaves on the ship for a while. Well folks looks like the kids are starting to beat on each other so i must be off for now.Tootles

Sunday, June 13, 2010

slow start to a day

Howdy all,
so as most of you know I have a messed up sleep schedule so i was up all night yet again, least I got most of my laundry done. Had to take the hubby to the ship this morning bright and early cuz he is leaving again. Life as a wife in the military..well it flat out sucks. To say the least it's pretty much torn our family apart. My guess is it's something that we will never get used to. As for what's going on now well it's 9:18am and I'm sitting here watching Planet 51 with my boys. Well Cayden is watching it Aj is off playing with toys. They are getting so big these days. Both the boys have arms like a baseball player. We got to go to the San Diego County fair On Friday, was pretty interesting, lived here for almost four years and haven't been to the fair once. It's funny the city makes a huge deal out of it and there really isn't a whole lot there. Were there for two hours walking around playing games and such and well I got burned and it was overcast. crazy i know. Other then that it's been pretty cold not higher then 75 degrees. Well I guess today is going to be a cleaning day. We are hoping to get into this new condo in August, it seems so far away but then again it is mid June and only two weeks till my bday yay another year older...such joy. Well I'm thinking it's getting near nap time for the kids because all I hear from them is whine whine whine. All the moms out there know you can only take so much of that. I'll write more later. Peace out all.